Thanks to my awesome hubby, we enjoyed an official grown-up weekend. That's right folks, a whole weekend without our boys. Billy played in a state softball tournament and really wanted me to go too, so he arranged for my parents to keep the boys for a couple of days.... now, softball isn't exactly my cup of tea, BUT I do love seeing my man play and of course, just being where he is and the ball pants don't hurt either :-) ... So what does one do when the kiddos are gone for a few days???
- cleaned the entire downstairs of my house top to bottom on Friday afternoon - it's amazing how much I got done in two short hours
- Walked three miles
- watched two softball games (church league on Friday night - my hubby was great!)
- Took a two minute shower and got ready for a movie in record time! Really - in the house and in the car in 20 minutes - I should get an award for that!)
- Watched half of a movie with my sweetie...why half you say??? Well, that's a whole other post, but let's just say I wouldn't recommend The Ugly Truth - we were pretty disgusted by the content and language and left after 40 minutes. So disappointing, but it allowed us to get some much needed rest - UNINTERRUPTED!!!!!
- Drove to Lexington with my sweetie to watch him play in the Bluegrass State Games -his team did pretty good - went 2 and 2 - played until 9pm. It was a nice day out - and between the games, Billy and I had some great quality time. I really am his biggest fan - on and off the field!
- Drove home, somehow avoiding the storm and came home and crashed. We were both exhausted.
- Woke up LATE on Sunday (oops - we never skip church eva, but without our alarm clock, ahem, Jonathan Patrick Stover :-), we slept in. Nice. Really nice.
- Cleaned the entire upstairs of the house top to bottom
- Organized bills and filed away a bunch of stuff that had been long ignored (well, Billy really did that while I blog-stalked and worked on some invites for an upcoming party)
- Took a long walk....
- WHEW - what a weekend!!!
Now, I MISS MY BOYS!!!!! We're on our way to get them from Grammy and Pa's house. Can't wait for some slobbery kisses and funny conversations. Love those boys! Now, don't get me wrong.. the break was nice. But part of us just feels missing. Gotta go get my sweet boys!!!!