Our Daddy is the COOLEST... really he is. He probably won't even tell mommy that we snuck onto her bloggy page to write all about him. Mommy thinks we're in bed, but she has no idea what we really do when she lays us down. :-) Yesterday was Daddy's special day and we just love him so much. Here's some of the reasons we love him. * he plays with us... we mean really plays. He loves to play cars and baseball and chase and pretend. * he takes us fun places. On days when daddy stays home with us, we go on cool adventures like to Walmart and Lowes. He even lets us ride on the tractors at Lowes. * he gives us treats (but don't tell mommy!) He especially gives us Popsicles. Super hero ones. * he tells good stories at nite nite time. * he always drives really safe and makes sure we have our seat belts on. Even when we don't want to. * he runs really fast, but not as fast as me or my brother (jacob). * he shares his drinks with me (again, don't tell mommy - I even got some coke at the movies the other day.) * he doesn't play favorites. Really, we know he loves us both so very very much.
In case you didn't know, our daddy's name is Billy. He is tall and smart and handsome and fun and really really cool. We really love him and want to be just like him when we get big. Really we do!