Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Jacob

Dear Jacob,
what a sweet boy you are - you have the most infectious laugh of anyone I've ever known. My favorite thing ever is when you and your bubby play and laugh together. Jacob, you are growing so fast. I love having conversations with's a recent sample when we were in the car taking Jonathan to his 9 month check up.
mommy "Jacob - do you know that Easter is coming up?"
jacob"yeah I do. What's Easter mommy?"
mommy"Easter's very special honey - it's when we celebrate that Jesus is alive."
jacob" he's alive in mine heart."
mommy "absolutely - that's exactly where he wants to live."
jacob"mommy, does Jesus live in Dr. Robson's heart?"

PRECIOUS... just precious. I love how you are putting things together and trying to make sense of life. You are very curious and you started using the word "why" all the time just recently. I also love it when you say prayers before meals - it sounds like this..."god is great, god is good andajdlsjdflasjdofisdjfloajdf amen." You say it all so fast. It's hilarious and so sweet!!!

You love to be outside - I think you'd live out there if we'd let you. You even laid down on the porch yesterday and asked me to change your bottom ("bobbom"). You are just now expressing interest in your sandbox and love to pretend to make me cookies and special treats. You have quite the imagination.

You are a very very good boy, most all of the time. When you don't get your way, sometimes you scream and yell NO very emphatically, but you recover so well and can be so very sweet. I love it when you say "hold ya" which means please pick me up.

You, my little friend, are a big time daddy's boy. You and your daddy have so much fun together. I know you appreciate your special times at nite nite time - we do know that one day, you will totally sleep by yourself, but for now, Daddy sure does love telling stories with you.

We love you so much and are so appreciative that you are our little boy. We pray for you all the time - we pray for the man you'll become, that we'll be good parents and that you will have a very happy life.

love you little man!!!!

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