The boys with their Papaw and Mamaw (or poopaw and moomaw as Jonathan likes to say)
Jonathan wanted in on the action too...
Jacob, Jonathan and Grammy and Pa
Rare family shot with everyone looking at the camera. :-)
Jacob LOVED his Batman baloons. We looked everywhere for those darn things... Billy had to make a trip to Louisville on party day as we finally located some.
Yesterday, we celebrated in big time fashion at the Stover house - also now known as the Batcave. Jacob-man has been really into superheros for quite some time and Batman is his F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E. So, of course when we started planning his party, we knew it must have a Batman theme. We had a wonderful, perfect day for a party and had so much fun with our family. Jacob had a ball - all day long. He was so excited from the moment he woke up til he went to bed. He is such a blessed little boy and so many people love him so much. My prayer is that we can help him have a grateful heart and thank God for all his blessings, INCLUDING all the cool Batman toys and clothing he got yesterday... :-)
Jacob is now equipped with a full batman wardrobe:). Hehe. Had so much fun at the party - you did a great job Sherri. You need to post a pic of the cute banner you made for the fireplace. Happy birthday, Mr. Batman Stover:).
Happy Birthday Jacob!
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