Friday, October 01, 2010

We've been so busy...

Jumping in the Leaves - happy Fall ya'll!

Hangin out with our buds!

Weekend excursion to the Game Farm (we had a funny experience there...we got to the Dragonfly Marsh and we told the boys to be really quiet and tell us what animal noises they could hear. At the exact moment we said that, another guest burped really loudly and Jacob said, "daddy, I heard a frog!" It was hilarious!!!!! I was about to die of embarrassment.)

Hangin with our little friend Walker. Three silly musketeers. Three amigos. Three CUTE boys n the bath - how good is my photography to not get any inappropriate images. :-)

And DRUM ROLL please: Jacob got his first little award at Preschool. He was like, "mom, it's no big deal." But oh my... I was so proud. He got the Teddy Bear Award on stuffed animal day. His little build a bear frog made especially for him by his big cousins Lauren and Taylor. My proud mama instincts were sure in full swing that day! :-)
Whew, September was a blessed month. We have so much for which to be grateful.

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