Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh Cupid

Valentine's Day takes on whole new meaning when you have kids. I loved celebrating with my big Valentine and am so grateful for my sweet hubby. He even wrote me a very sweet poem. It was so sweet! We got to enjoy an evening at home on this Valentine's day - and guess what.. it rocked! We let the boys eat upstairs and watch a movie and we (stop the world) actually enjoyed a quiet dinner just the two of us. No interruptions like, "can you please get me another spoon?" "can I please have more milk?" "I didn't want my lima beans." Man, I love my hubs and appreciate the time we have together! Then, after dinner, we enjoyed a family friendly game of Trouble. :-) Fun times. No fancy dinner. No fancy flowers. No pantyhose (amen!). No crowds. Just us. The four of us. And it was perfect.

Thanks to Pinterest, I decided to make the boys' valentines to send to school - they were super cute, but umm took a little too much time. Maybe next year, I'll go with the trusty box o' valentines from Dollar Tree. :-) What do you think??? I wanted to make little masks for them, but simply ran out of time.

I also surprised the boys with this little treat - they seemed to like it - I hope they believe the messages.

Hope your week has been filled with celebrations with the ones you love.

It's a great time to remember the great love our Father in Heaven has for us. I've been meditating all week on I Corinthians 13. The love chapter... oh God, please help me love Billy and my sweet babies like this chapter describes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your boys are adorable!