Thursday, August 11, 2011


So, I usually don't talk about work too much on the ole bloggy... primarily because I blog so that one day, I'll have written memories of this precious time in my life. And also because I mostly stay at home, my blog fodder is pretty much consumed with the J's and the hubster. Anyway, this week has been interesting at work and I just needed to share. Yep, that's right, I'm practicing one of my therapy homework assignments I sometimes give to patients...journaling. :-)
Yesterday, I had the privilege of having a new patient. She is an 8 year old cutie, but has a world of difficulties. She is severely autistic - no language, no eye contact, no real communication with anyone. She is visually impaired and has some physical abnormalities - especially her face and mouth. That's not the worst part... she's a self-mutilator. She hits herself in the face and scratches herself until she bleeds. And she screams in unfamiliar situations. Basically any time she is outside her house. So, for an hour yesterday morning, I watched in horror this little girl freak out because of the new environment. I'm heart broken for this little girl, and maybe even more than that, I'm so totally heartbroken for the mom and dad. Their life is not their own. I can not imagine what this must be like.
I have been doing therapy/social work stuff for almost 13 years. I have never ever cried in session with a client (it's not really the most professional thing to do). Not to say that I've never felt empathy or sympathy during a session, but yesterday, I was so deeply impacted that I almost lost it. In session. I had tears, not uncontrollable, but tears none the less. Wow. Would you guys do me a favor? Pray for this little family that have come into my path! Pray for me as I work with parents on a behavioral plan to decrease the self-harm behaviors. Pray that this little girl knows Jesus and can experience a miracle in her lifetime.


Mommy Webb said...

Knowing your heart, I'm sure it's really tough for you not to cry. I will pray for this little girl and her mama and papa. So glad God entrusted her to YOU!

all you need is love said...

Just be patient as she comes around to you. I know it will be hard, I have done some volunteer work with similar people. Just keep your heart and mind open and you will do the right things PROMISE. You will be great. So happy to have such and inspirational person in my life as well as my children's. Thank you for being YOU.