Friday, January 27, 2012

Just some stuff...

Been too busy living life to document it. I haven't taken a picture in about 3 weeks. Wow. I'd rather live it than capture it, I suppose. :-) But, just for posterity, here's a quick update.
1. Changing the sheets on a bunk bed is about as much fun as scrubbing the toilet. Uggh.
2. I.discovered.Pinterest. (cue the Hallelujah chorus!)
3. Weird, I know, but one of my favorite times of day with my sweet Jonathan is right before bed when he has to go do his business on the potty. Seriously, that boy is like clockwork. Anyway, he likes me to be in there with him (GAG!), but it is so cute. We have some pretty deep and awesome conversations in there and I wouldn't trade those precious few moments for anything.
4. Speaking of poo, Jacob has decided that he once again needs me to wipe his bootie. Umm, I could do without this duty especially since he usually yells for me just when I get ready to eat. I try to praise God even in the mundane things of life, but really?
5. Billy and I are turning into our grandparents. Really... we sometimes go to bed really early to watch our shows and it's no time before one of us (the one with the Y chromosome)is snoring away. Especially if I start to scratch his head. :-)
6. I seriously need some sunshine! We got a brochure for a beach resort yesterday and I've been drooling since I saw it.
7. I'm feeling a little bit mediocre these days... like I'm not doing anything GREAT. I'm doing lots of stuff "okay" but I feel like I'm walking through quicksand some days. I've been an "okay" mommy, and "okay" wife, an "okay" housekeeper, an "okay" friend and an "okay" therapist at work. Mediocrity is tough for a perfectionist like me to swallow. Must be praying about this one. (maybe it's because of number 6???)
8. Grammy and Pa are coming tonight, so I get to go out on a date with my hubs. YEAAH!!!! So, I better use the rest of the boys rest time to get showered and actually fix myself up a little. How's that to kick the pants off mediocrity. I might even shave my legs. But shhhh, don't tell anyone. :-)

1 comment:

Mommy Webb said...

The comment about the poo time is hilarious. Walker has been kicking me out lately, but he used to do teh same thing and I loved it. As for number 7, I am so with you! Let me reassure you that you are a WONDERFUL mommy, wife, friend, therapist..and I will throw scrapbooker in there;). Love you.