So here's the rundown:
No, it wasn't exactly planned, but not exactly unplanned either, if you know what I mean. We are some fertile folks, and for that I'm so grateful. I know many of my friends struggle with infertility and it just breaks my heart to watch their pain. If that's you, and you are reading this, I am praying for you!
The boys' reactions have been absolutely precious. I kind of thought they'd be indifferent, but they are so excited. They talk to the baby all the time. They want to see how he/she is growing by looking at my pregnancy book and on the internet. They sing to the baby and pray for it. It is really really sweet! And they have been so kind to me, saying things like, "mommy, since you have a baby in your tummy, we pulled some of your weeds in your garden." I'
I, for some reason, feel a little like a first time mom. I feel like I've forgotten everything, which if I'm honest, completely freaks me out!I get so excited when I read my weekly updates from BabyCenter telling me how the baby is growing and developing.
I'm not throwing up, for which I am grateful. I do, however feel like I got hit by a Mack truck most days. I've never felt exhaustion like this. Although, the last three days have been slightly better - perhaps I'm coming out of the fog! I do gag when I brush my teeth. Seriously...can hardly do it. But of course I do because I have to.
We went for our first appointment last week and everything looks amazing. We even got an ultrasound, which I wasn't expecting, but was so glad. There's just nothing better than seeing that. No matter if it's the first time, third time or 10th time. Amazing. Simply Amazing!
We have no baby stuff. None. Nada. Crazy, huh? We donated, gave away loaned much of our stuff. We do have an extra crib that's at my parents house somewhere... I don't have one item of maternity clothing, so I was so glad when Katie brought me some. Oh gosh, that too also freaks me out.
I don't need maternity clothes just yet. My tummy is looking pudgy. Lovely...A lady at exercise class said she was going to start calling me pudgy. Girls, I tell you what if she ever (OR ANYONE ELSE) calls me pudgy, I might just go all crazy and punch a nose or two. Just sayin'. I haven't gained any weight yet. Confession time... when I think about this precious baby, the weight gain is what I dread the most. I have worked my butt off to get back to a manageable weight. So, hopefully, my weight gain and subsequent loss experience won't be too traumatic.
I don't remember this from last time, but pregnancy peeing is weird! Yes, of course I have to potty often. But when I do, it takes sweet forever. And it's a really little trickle. (TOO MUCH INFORMATION, i know... sorry.) Even Billy comments and says things like, "dang - didn't know anyone could pee that long." Oh the joys!
Oh, and guess what else???? I get to share this pregnancy with my sweet sister in law! :-) Hooray! She and I are due literally the same day or so. That is super special! Speaking of due date, our ultrasound indicates 10/13/2012. :)
And the best part of being preggo??? The thought that I get to see my sweet hubby be a daddy again. Y'all, I'm convinced that's the reason God chose for us to be parents again... so another person can look up to and idealize their daddy. These three babies have no idea how blessed they are that Billy is their daddy. Really...
Love this post!!! I had no idea Kelly is pregnant! Anna already told me she is giving you the crib back, so MARK THAT OFF YOUR LIST! As for other stuff (expersaucer, and such), you know that you can borrow ours:).
Girl I gagged all the time when brushing my teeth with Eliza. It got to the point that it was old hat for me. No joke I had it until she came out. I hope it goes away for you. Good luck with it all.
Congrats to the Stovers!!!!! SOOOO excited for you!!!!
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