Saturday, February 06, 2010

the most pitiful little snowman in history!!!

Jacob and Jonathan have so wanted to build a snowman since they were introduced to the beloved Frosty video this holiday season. We've had a few snowy days, but most of it has been that powdery dusty snow that won't make a snow ball. Well, today, it snowed a little bit and it was sticky snow. So.we.tried. We merely got a dusting of snow, so there was little to pick from. But we tried. That's what's important. Mommy did most of the work - Jacob and Jonathan just kept falling and eating the snow. I kept saying - bring me lots of snow, and they just didn't get it. So, with very thin cloth gloves, I got busy. My hands were freezing and I was trying to snap some pics along the way. So, all those excuses=pitiful little snowman, but it made the boys happy. They both gave him a hug (and oops - made his head fall off a few times). Fun times. Here's to no more snow and bring on SPRING!!!!

1 comment:

Mommy Webb said...

I think your snowman is just perfect:). You are such a festive mommy - love it! Can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow morning.