That's us celebrating - sorry for the poor pic quality. Yahoo! UK is going to the final four. Holy Moly. What a great day in Kentucky! We enjoyed the game with our friends, the Gaithers. Our boys - all four of them, were GREAT! What's your favorite color baby, BLUE and WHITE!
Also - did you know that MOM upside down looks like WOW? Coincidence? I think not!
Snow in March - late March? Wrong! Just wrong!
I am nervous about going to the new Kroger because I don't know the order of the aisles. I have been planning out my weekly meals since the beginning of the year and making my grocery list accordingly. One of my new years resolutions and I've actually kept it for the most part. But, I could make my list according to the order of the aisles in Kroger so I can be in and out in a jiffy. OCD much? Yep, I admit it.
One of my other new years resolutions - to start couponing - hasn't happened yet. I need a tutorial. Any volunteers?
I had to go to a training on ethics on Friday as a requirement for my social work license. It was B-O-R-I-N-G. But necessary.
My boys have been almost perfect this weekend. I know I brag on them a lot on here, but really, I can't remember such a great weekend in a very long time. No real agenda. Lots of special activities. Treats for awesome behavior.
We ate inside two restaurants this weekend. Granted, one was McDonalds. But still - we dined inside TWICE and it was perfect. If you are around us much at meal time, you know that is MAJOR!!! We aren't the best at making our kiddos stay in their seats during meals at home. They eat a bit and then they are off to play. Then they come back... you get the drill. SO, eating out isn't one of our favorite activities But, I was so proud this weekend.
There you have it... random, see? Happy Sunday! Hope your weekend was filled with precious memories too.
Amazing!!!! I can't believe we're in the final four. I'm just jealous that I'm not still in Lexington to celebrate:).
here's a random comment on your random blog :) it's good to be a wilcat fan, for sure!!! i can tutor you in couponing, what i know for the new kroger, i STRONGLY recommend you go and scope it out BEFORE trying to grocery shop! it is totally different and SO much more stuff. there were maps so check at customer service for a map too :) send some of your boy perfectness my way; my 1.5 hour napper is quite CRANKY late afternoon and evening, blah!
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